Team morale is an important one at work. If you don’t get on with your colleagues then your time there can be pretty bland and let’s face it, we spend more time working than we probably want to admit so it’s important that we enjoy the company we’re given. Sometimes we have to do social things at work we don’t want to do. We have to attend conferences, maybe networking breakfasts or maybe your guilt tripped into joining in the regular pub sessions on a friday night. Maybe you enjoy it, maybe you don’t. Maybe it’s all just the same old same old at the moment and you’re not getting those fresh connections that you used to?
This is what we've learnt the top 5 results are for bringing art workshops into your office.
Helps To Build Stronger Connections
Improves Communication
Reward Employees
Boosts Morale
Spreads kindness
We've been running for 3 years and in that time we’ve been pretty nosey. We're always asking what companies get up to for their team socials and it’s a real mix of responses. Some people will avoid them like the plague and others love the chance to use company money to socialise and have a few bevs on the house! I know which kind I am … just a shame those drinks aren’t paid by someone else anymore!
So why should we socialise with our coworkers?
Helps To Build Stronger Connections
Through shared experiences, whether they are good or bad, we build bonds that can last forever. Think about a time you and your friend went to a concert together and all you could talk about was how amazing it was. It’s the same with your work mates too. If you're all in the same boat and your company hires ArtistAnd, not only do you get an art class on the house, but the chances are most of you wouldn’t have done anything creative in a long time and so the chit chat around that experience is priceless. Our sessions really help you bond over a unique experience.

2. Improves Communication
Sometimes we get stuck in this professional language which can often become a slightly colder approach in emails and meetings. Often this can create clashes within the business. Doing something fun and not talking about work helps to humanise us and learn more about each other. Whilst doing an art class, you can chat to your neighbors and learn more about what they like and dislike and find common ground on this new experience. So the next time you go into your meeting, you can remember how the like to communicate as a person, and not as a working machine.

3. Reward Employees
Your team wants to feel appreciated and valued. It’s a basic human need. Without this, your workforce may not perform to the best of their ability because they may feel like, ‘what’s the point?’ By offering your staff different kinds of benefits, they’ll invest themselves more into the company and feel that gratitude you have for the work they do. If your staff get to try a new hobby that’s on the company, like drawing, they may even continue it out of the class! That’s a win-win because you provided them with an experience they will never forget and then they feel more mindful and can bring that energy back into work.

4. Boosts Morale
Knowing that you have something fun in the diary really gets the old nogging excited. We all need something to look forward to, and even if there’s a bit of anxiety toward an art class, it gets people talking doesn't it! You’ve got nothing to lose at the end of the day and it’ll get your staff engaging and full of energy. Doing something outside of the working normal day helps us to refresh our energy and feel more excited.

5. Spreads kindness
When we're out of our comfort zone, we can feel quite vulnerable. We feel like we're in a position to be judged, and we think maybe we aren't that good at what we're doing. If you have something like an art class where the majority of people will feel nervous and shy with what they produce then chances are everyone will also be looking to support each other too. There's something good about everyone's art styles no matter what level you're at, and we've seen time and time again, the compliments that are said spread like wildfire. In a situation like this, people don't want to put anyone down, they want to pick them up because that's what they want to hear too. These classes bring out everyone's kinder side when they are all feeling the same thing.

What other benefits can you see an art workshop having for your team? I'm sure there's plenty more. Being creative affects people in different ways and doing something that's totally different from the office normal is always bound to impact the business (hopefully in a good way).
So how are you going to improve your office dynamic this year with the socials you choose?