Paint a spring in your step with our wellness, watercolour & meditation retreat.
Join us for a weekend of watercolours, long walks & meditations at our creative wellness retreat this summer. This weekend is focused on getting you recharged and reconnected with nature whilst learning all about how to use watercolours. You'll be well fed, you'll meet a bunch of amazing likeminded people, and learn all about how to use colour.
With outdoor meditation, movement & stretching, we'll be fully immersed in all of our senses. From tasting great food, hearing the birds in the trees, observing nature, smelling the freshly cut grass and getting arty with our hands. We’ve got it all covered.
You don't need to be an expert to be a part of this experience. All levels are welcome! And when we say all levels, we mean all levels. If it’s your first time on something like this, or your first time with watercolour, then don’t be afraid, you're in the best place to practise and learn. You’ll have a teacher on hand at all times.

What's Involved?
Friday 1st July
4pm: Arrival
Arrival Activity
(Available Slots For Massage)
7pm onwards - Dinner, Games & A Glass of Wine
Saturday 2nd July
7am - Movement & Meditation
8am - Breakfast
10am - 12pm - Watercolour Lesson
12pm - Lunch
1pm - 4:30pm - Guided Walk & Painting Pitstops
5pm - Freetime
(available slots for massage)
7pm - Dinner
Sunday 3rd July
7:30am - Movement & Meditation
(available slots for massage)
8:30am - Breakfast
10am - 12pm - Watercolour Lesson
12pm - Lunch
1pm - 3pm - Final Class
4pm - Goodbyes & Checkout

Best Weekend of the Year!
ArtistAnd's Portrait & Meditate Retreat was simply wonderful. The location was so beautiful and cosy; the retreat leaders friendly, encouraging and just lovely! The art teaching was inspiring and helpful. The opportunity for a massage and mediation was the perfect addition to a restful, mindful weekend. And finally, the food also was delicious. Highly recommended!
Who Are We?
Well, we aren’t your average run of the mill facilitators. We love mindfulness and creativity but we also love to have fun! Don’t be surprised if we slot in a game or two and bring out some friendly competition! We want you to have a belly full of food and laughter.
During the weekend, not only will you be shown how to improve your art skills with China Jordan (CEO of ArtistAnd) using watercolours & pencil, but there will also be opportunities to help you to unwind and relax with movement & meditation.
Every Artist Starts An Amateur
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
... so if you like making art, you love good company and want to explore, come and join us!

Your Lovely Hosts
China & Maya
This is what dream teams are made of. Meet your hosts, China Jordan in the white, and Maya Jones in the stripes. China is a professional artist and Maya is a qualified masseuse & will lead our movement & meditation. After great success in 2021, we decided to run another retreat together and bring some new skills, a fresh approach to putting the lead back in your pencil.

What's Included?
* 2 Nights Accommodation
* 3 Days of Activities
* All meals Included
* Watercolour Classes
* Movement & Meditation Sessions
* Nature Walk
* Watercolour Supplies
* Watercolour Journal
* Tea's, Coffee's & Snacks
2021 Highlights